Thursday, May 15, 2014

Retell the Most Recent Joke You've Heard as a Short Piece of Fiction (for my kid, who loves telling this joke)

Sarah had heard a knock on her door. This was her first night living in the city one thousand miles away from her hometown, and she was getting a little jumpy. The door kept knocking, it was 2pm so she thought it must be her new roommate She peeped thought the eyehole.
No one was there.
"Hello? Who's there?" Sarah called.
Nobody answered.
"Who's there?"
Again, silence.
Sarah opened the door a crack, then a crack more.
in the middle of the hallway, she found a banana.
She peek out, turned her head left, then right. There was nobody in the hall. "This mush be some type of hazing trick." She thought to herself. Sarah grabbed the banana off the hallway floor and went inside, locking the door behind her.

2 hours later, as she was unpacking her kitchen and getting ready to order dinner, she heard another knock on her door. "COMING!" She yelled as she strode toward the door, her cat following in her wake.
The knocks sounded closer together.
"WHO'S THERE? ASHLEY? IS THAT YOU?' Sarah called while getting into tiptoe position in an attempt to peep through the eyehole once more.
There was nobody there.
Sarah opened the door, and - sitting on her welcome mat- was another banana.
"OKAY GUYS, I GET IT. VERY FUNNY!!!" she yelled while entering the dead silent hallway. She opened her ears and listened hard for any signs of life. All she got was silence in return.
She turned to her cat: "It's really quiet for a Saturday afternoon." while picking up the banana. Sarah walked inside, locking the door behind her.
4 hours passed. Sarah was soaking in her brand new clawfoot when she heard a knock at the door. She leaped out of her skin, annoyed. She was just getting to the good part of her Agatha Christie novel. The knocking continued. "OKAY! JUST LEAVE THE BANANA ON THE DOORMAT!!" She yelled  as she wrapped herself in a towel and headed towards the door.
Just then, something strange happened.
The knocking stopped.
Sarah was frightened. "Is anyone there?"
Silence, Erie silence filled the void.
Sarah opened the door,  beside the doormat, was...another banana.
She started yelping into the darkened corridor: "SERIOUSLY, STOP NOW! THE NEXT TIME YOU DO THIS, I'M CALLING THE POLICE!!!" She slammed the door in a fury, leaving the banana on her threshold.

Sarah woke up to the pounding at the front door.
she was flustered with the neighbor's shenanigans and the bananas. She grabbed the phone and headed towards the front door. "WHO THE HECK IS IT AT THIS UNGODLY HOUR??!!" screamed Sarah as she was walking down the short hallway. as she reached the entrance, she let out a gasp and dropped her cell phone.
Her front door was opened.
And on the welcome mat, where the bananas had been, there was an orange.
The pounding got louder and louder.
It was coming from inside the apartment.

Sarah started towards the door, screaming. Then, all of a sudden, the pounding stopped.
It was silent.
She froze in terror, a man's voice whispered next to her ear in the darkness:
"Orange you glad it wasn't a banana?"

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