Saturday, May 10, 2014

[WP] You Have Just Swallowed Your Pride and Done Something You Didn't Want to Do. Your Friend Wants to Know Why. The Two of You Are Driving Around an Almost-Full Parking Garage Looking for a Space for the Friend's Oversized Pickup. Write the Scene.

"Wait dude, you're marrying her?!"
"Well, yeah. It's what I have to do."
"But, you know why this is a bad idea. I cannot believe you're going to go through with this. After all she's done to you. Why?"
"Because, I love her."
"Seriously, I highly doubt you love her THAT much. OOH! is that a spot?"
"...Nope, motorcycle."
"Goddammit, why do they always take up one goddamn spot like that?! USE THE MOTORCYCLE SPOTS ASSHOLE!"
"Relax, we'll find something. It's only the jewelry store in the mall. It won't sell out THAT fast."
"Another question, why are you asking me to help you find a ring? I hunt, I wear Carhart, I play paintball, Christ. I own a pickup truck for God sake, I am not what you say "queer" enough to help you pick out a ring. Especially for someone who cheated on you."
"Dude, it was only 5 times."
"Nope, she confirmed it was 5 the other day."
"What? I was going to tell you while we were getting the ring!"
"I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to grandma who's taking forever backing her old clunker out of the spot. Wait...when did she tell you this?"
"And you still decided it's an okay idea to marry this woman, without a prenup?"
"Even though she got that restraining order against you? Even when she slashed your tires on your own pickup truck not even 8 months ago? Did she really change her ways THAT quickly? I highly doubt that."
"You don't understand, there's more to it than that."
"You wanna know what I don't understand?"
"What's that?"
"How a motherfucking Prius can swerve into MY GODDAMN PARKING SPOT LIKE THAT. THANKS A LOT, YOU HIPPIE ASSHOLE!!"
"Bunch of savages in this town, I swear."
"You're not getting out of my line of questioning that fast, Chuck. You've yet to explain to me why you are going to marry her."
"It's complicated. "
"We obviously have time on our hands."
"Oh look there's a spot!"
"No wait, motorcycle again. "
"FUCKING CHRIST. Remind me to never go to the mall again. I seriously cannot believe all the bullsh-"
"She's pregnant."
"She's pregnant."
"Wh...with your kid?"
"This is serious, is it yours?"
"...yes and no."
"YES AND NO? It's pretty GODDAMN HARD to have a chick be pregnant and not pregnant at the same time."
"I can explain."
"Explain away. Oh Scientific Miracle worker!"
"She made a mistake cheating on me, she knows this. The father of the kid walked away, she wants to turn over a new leaf. How am I to say no to that?"
"Like this: No. Fucking. Way."
"Listen dude, we made a promise. She's changed this time."
"Just like the last time?"
"Look, having a baby changes people. She's been going to work full time, she's been attending her college classes, and She's been at home all weekend. Her reign of bitchy, partying terror is done. We're all getting old, it's time for all of us to grow up. I have faith in our relationship, we both love each other very much. "
"And what happens if this all falls apart?"
"Well then, that's my fault. That's how life works. Futhermore, if you don't approve of us getting married, then maybe I should find myself a new best man."
"...Where did that come from?"
"My heart."
"You must really love her, don't you?"
"Yes. I do. Every part of her."
"Well. I guess we should go find her a ring."

"No no wait....motorcycle again."

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