Saturday, May 10, 2014

You're Filling a Time Capsule to Bury in the Backyard That Will be Dug up in 500 Years. Write the Letter You'd Put Inside to Describe Life As You Know It Today.


Firstly, I hope everyone is well, and healthy. Even the androids.
If I'm reading this due to some incredible advances in medical technology which lets me and Sean live forever, then what the Hell were you thinking? Did Sean talk you into getting that robot arm? Dear God, I hope not. I mean, it's cool if you have one, but one day it will crunch the grandchildren into a million pieces. Those things have a mind of its own, you know.

Jesus, now I sound like my mother. Anyway, I bet you really wanted to read this to figure out what life was like 500 years ago, well. Go read a book. No, not an e-reader or a smart phone or one of those Google/Apple/Android/Motorola Eye things you young kids pop into your eyeballs when you want to catch up on the internets. I mean, go to a library (because they will still exist) and ask the robot to take you down into the depths of the cellar, you will find these books there.

Run your hands across something tangible, feel how thin the pages were, touch things that are not a computer screen or a keyboard. Be tactile, get in touch with the world around you. Feel it. Everything is alive outside your digital bubble. That's the first step in going back 500 years, even with the onslaught of tiny machines, we still took the time to unplug ourselves from them, they are not part of our physical or mental extensions.

The next thing you should do after unplugging yourself - if we as a species didn't murder nature to unhospitable conditions- is go outside. Not that artificial green astroturf shit they have in your eco-dome, but climb beyond the walls of that and take a hike (wear sunscreen, at the very least it's gotta be hot as hell out there.) Learn about real trees and fresh air and exercise! Your body my scream and suffer for now but your mind and soul will thank you after a while. Fill yourself with what you are, biologically speaking. Learn to love being outside and wow yourself with things you could only dream of seeing on a computer.

Lastly, you should communicate. Not facebook, not twitter, not skype or whatever teleportt]ation device you may have. But actually meeting up somewhere face to face. Over tea if necessary. Have a conversation, really look into the expressions on peoples faces, fall in love with them. Have your eyes consume every atom in their face. Do not hide behind the wall of a keyboard and a camera, really enjoy the aura of someone. Long for them, pine for their face, get lost in them. Love them with your actions, not your zeroes and ones. Life would be much less complicated if we all sat down and saw each other face to face.

And, above all, live simply.

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