Saturday, May 10, 2014

Write a Love Scene From the Point of View of Your Hands

Everything is full of warmth here.
New places to discover, temperatures and textures.
mostly smooth, but sometimes whiskery.
beards feel scratch, scratch, scratch!
while glasses have sharp edges around the frames.
Let me undress your eyes for a while.
oils from the forehead bubble into beads of sweat.
skin forever soft.
All is full of warmth here.

Hard calluses bump over the pads of me
reminders of broken hearts I tried to mend with hard work.
Always working? Never works.
Stick with what you know, hand over hand.
good, now interlace the fingers, let them waltz together for a while
where it's quiet, let them rest. Stay a while.
Have your palms come face to face
and kiss a little, make them get clammy.
All is full of warmth here.

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