Saturday, May 10, 2014

Write About What Your Perfect Day Off Would be Like.

Firstly. I get to wake up at 9am. A luxury I am barely able to afford most days.
No kids, no significant others, no cats to tend to. Just alone.
But happily alone. Wrapped up in my blanket cocoon in my nice warm bed on a winter day.

I would then lie in bed until 10 or 10.30am, whichever felt better. I would most likely be thinking about whatever pops into my brain, I tend to do most of my daydreaming on the days I don't have to get up as early, where I can lie down and keep to my thoughts. It's amazing, and welcoming. I recommend it to anyone who has the time. Then I would get up and take a shower, get dressed, but nothing is uncomfortable, because I have the heat up to 70 degrees and all of my clothes are nice and warm and fashionable ane make me look like I had lost 30 pounds but make of sweatpant materials so I can feel as fat as I want to but look sooo fly.

I would go downstairs, make the best Darjeeling chai spice tea I will ever make, grab a few Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte novels (Because I think they would be good for this winter weather.) and walk to a bookstore/cafe where everyone is quiet and keeps mostly to themselves and nobody bothers you except maybe once or twice to refill your coffee or tea and everyone is considerate and there would be no technology allowed. Just comfy chairs next to a fireplace with large windows overlooking the silent little snowy town I live in.

I would read all day. Without being bothered by chores, kids, significant other, money, worries, and life in general. I would be at peace and super zen. My mind quiet and still, Imagining myself as the strong female characters in every book I am reading. The hours would melt past me but it would only truly be 1pm by the time I was done with all my books and ready to pack up and leave for a stroll. At this point, a cute, tall, young, skinny man with glasses would muss up the courage and ask me to accompany him on a walk through the fields or the woods in the snow. I would say yes and would get to know this cute man and we would discuss ourselves and our dreams and goals and books and Science and Math and everything passionate. We will plan to travel together to Tibet but never exchange numbers because we are both modest and polite people who have lives to get back to. I would not be worried of his motives or if he was going to hurt me because this day is perfect and people are trustworthy and kind. He would not worry about me finding any type of sexual attraction or feeling or deep romantic love towards him either. We just simply wanted to enjoy the companies of another intelligent, beautiful person for a while.

At this point, It would be around 6pm. I would walk back to my home, and prepare myself a dinner of Moe's Italian Sandwiches, Norwegian lobster, and Bova's heavenly fresh baked bread. After consuming the fancy dinner, I would retire to my bedroom with a bottle of wine and write my best and greatest novel for 2 hours. Because, everyone should write their greatest novel for a minimum of 2 hours a day, preferably at night but not so late as before bedtime, because then you would never get it done. I would then go meditate for an hour and afterwards go listen to Radiolab and This American Life before drinking more wine and smoking a bowl and counting the stars on my porch while eating a twinkie. I would retire around 10pm but continue to read some more before I finally doze off to a sound slumber. Not worrying about anything.

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