Saturday, May 10, 2014

Write an interesting take on what the Tooth Fairy does with all those baby teeth.

She had been working hard all evening and was ready to get some well deserved sleep. The teeth in her pouch had doubled her body weight, making it harder to fly back to her house on the south side of town, yet, miraculously, she made it before she ran out of power.
She flicked on the lights. Nothing happened.
"awesome." she sighed while continuing to stumble her way down into the basement and came across the fuse box. Knowing her wand wouldn't do any good, she tried to flick the switches this way and that, to no avail. They were completely out of Magic.

"double awesome." She replied to the candle she had found as she was lighting it. She had trenched over to the machine then began to deposit the molars and incisors into the funnel. She hopped onto the stationary bike, and began to petal.
The funnel started to rumble and wurr. children's discarded bones started to snap and pop under the stress of the gears and were ground into a fine powder and deposited into the jar at the bottom of the stationary bike; making it turn into fairy dust. The Tooth Fairy hated this part of her job, but this was the hustle of her days. Not everyone could be Tinkerbell.

She gathered up the fairy dust from the jar and recharged her wand. She then used the last bit to power up the house, turn the heat on, and have the kitchen magically start making dinner without the aide of clumsy fairy hands.
The Tooth Fairy climbed the basement stairs, magically spun around to find herself after the 360 degree assent in soft, warm sweatpants. She then proceeded to the couch where she was magically served dinner, then fell soundly asleep in her easy chair.

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