Saturday, May 10, 2014

What Is The Most Recent Incident In Your Life That Made You Laugh?

Anything my kid says.

The amazing thing about living with a 5 year old child you look after and help raise is that they say the most wonderful, crazy, and deep things you will ever hear. Stuff is writers gold.

Just recently, he found me looking up Vegan recipes and websites, which eventually led to a discussion as to why I (almost) never eat meat at home, even if I cook it for him and dad. I told him I don't believe in eating anything with a face, and I never really liked the taste/texture of meat to begin with (But he still needs to eat what is given him. Regardless if he likes it or not, because that's how you learn what you like and what you don't like.) This then leads to the discussion of what  - exactly - meat is made out of. I told him hot dogs are made out of pigs, hamburgers out of cows, chicken made out of chicken etc. He then sat down for a while and - after 10 minutes of concentrated silence - decided he didn't want to eat meat anymore.

I'm all OH FUCK YES! This is a win for me!!! Suck it S! Muhahahaha! tofu babies for lyfe! I am super excited, but then S retaliates with "no more hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken burritos" and, to both S and I's complete surprise, Boyo is saying "OK" or "I know Daddy" to everything he is listing off.
Then, as things are starting to look up for ol' Kelso, Boyo drops a bombshell:

"Except Ham. Because I love ham."
"And chicken nuggets from McDonalds, but ONLY McDonalds! I don't like Burger King chicken nuggets."

Sweetheart, you know ham is made out of pig, right?
"Yeah? So? They eat grass! I'd still be a Vegan! Problem solved."
I just got kid logic'd.

I don't think I've ever laughed so hard at anything, I had to get up and leave the room. He follows me, then goes "DON'T CRY KELSO! I STILL LOVE PIGGIES! I JUST...... LOVE..... HAMMMM!!"

PS - Bonus clip, not the funniest thing that happened recently, but the most awesome thing he's said in the last month or so. We're driving into town and somehow we got on the topic of death. (I don't know why, but he has a fascination with death and mortality recently.) He then discusses ghosts, and I'm trying to explain that ghosts are not real, and they shouldn't scare you.

"All ghosts are souls. Which means they're real. That's like saying I'm not real. Which I am. Duh."

that's DEEP dude.

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